If you own a website/blog, then you will want your content to reach as many people as possible because the more people that see your content the more chance you have of succeeding with your online business. When we learn how to be more social, then we can push our content into places that it might not have reached otherwise.
I am not talking about being more chatty, or going out more, that is on more of a personal thing and doesn’t apply to this kind of social, this is about spreading the word and getting your site noticed.
Popular Practice
The social media platform has gone nuts, not in a bad way, what I mean is that it has taken off beyond belief. It has become a big part of many peoples lives and we spend a lot of time on these sites liking and sharing things with friends and family and meeting new people. There seems no let up and I can only see this popular practice becoming more and more used and accepted, not only in a personal capacity, but also in business.
The age of social media is well and truly upon us and if you have your own website or blog, then you cannot ignore this phenomenon, in fact no matter what business you have, whether it be online, offline or both, you have to get stuck in with this social media thing. It is part of modern life and a good way to expand awareness for your business and brand.
This brings me onto this blog, have you notice something new?
I’ve Gone All Social
For those of you that have already spotted the “something new” well done, you are on the ball, and those of you who completely missed it, come on open them eyes people, only kidding, its easy to miss (not) Okay now that I have suitably abused those of you that missed it, let me share the “something new” with you, yea I said share, still not got it?
I have added what is known as social share buttons which show up on the top and bottom of every post and page on this site. These are there for you to get social and easily share the content on my site. I can also make use of them and share my content on my own social media accounts without leaving my site.
I have added these share buttons by way of a WordPress Plugin, which saves me the time to write loads of coding of my own in my dashboard editor (like I can do coding anyway). There are different options that I can choose in the settings section of the plugin, which allows me to choose the social platforms that I want to display and where on my site I want them to appear.
So if you have a website, then it would be a good idea to add the plugin, which is named “Tweet, Like, Google +1 and Share”, I know its a bit of a mouthful, but just type that into the ‘Add New’ search bar in your plugin section within your dashboard and it will come up, then you can activate it and access the settings to make your own choices.
The Social Point Of It
By adding the social share buttons, it allows any of my visitors (that’s you) to share my content, which for anyone that does, I would like to say thank you because it will help my content get more exposure, who knows something might go viral Hey imagine that, me going viral!
You may have noticed that there is a number next to each social media icon, this tells you how many times it has been shared on each one, which for the moment is pretty embarrassing because on most posts and pages these are showing a big fat zero, but over time I will start to look a little less sad as I get shared more. I have got one or two that have already been shared which is amazing, so thanks to those sharers.