Get Paid Social

I am always looking out for simple ways to make some money online that I can share with my readers, that’s you  Sometimes I come across a new opportunity that looks interesting, but because it is new it has no history, so I join and see if it performs. I have just come across Get Paid Social and it is so new that it has not even officially launched, it is still in Beta mode.

It actually launches very soon and I will obviously give it a good trial and see how it performs, then I will write a post explaining the results and if it is worth your time and effort.

How To Get Paid Online

There are so many opportunities online, some good and some bad, and although I am a big believer in building a real business online, there are some other fun ways to add some extra income, and of course Get Paid Social might be one of them.

It was shared with me by an IBO Toolbox member and because it is new, I felt it would be good to try out and report on, so I joined through that member right there and then. There is not much to see at the moment in the members area because as I said it has not officially launched yet, but as soon as it does I will be trying it out.

The promise is that you can get paid for doing simple online tasks.

How Does It Work?

This is not a new concept, it has been done before and will be done again, but that does not mean that it will not be any good. Basically there are tasks posted in the members area by business owners that are prepared to pay to get those tasks done, and you as a member can perform and complete those tasks for the price offered.

The tasks are deemed as simple and range from visiting a website, sharing a social media post or giving feedback on a website, but not limited to those few I have listed. I cannot see any riches being made here, but it could be a way to earn a little extra cash, to help with bills or luxuries. This is the sort of work that can be done in your spare time or whilst relaxing or watching TV.

I personally use these type of opportunities for buying extra traffic, or paying for little tasks that I want to get done in my online business. Which brings me to ..

Online Entrepreneurs

If you have already started an online business and want some tasks completed that you have not got time to do, then this could be the platform for getting them done. You can either perform the tasks or post tasks to be done. I may use this platform to get some jobs done, once I have seen how it works for those doing the jobs.

Either way it could be a useful platform, time will tell I suppose.

How do you Get Paid Online? The members area has a tracking system that tracks when you have completed a job, and then pays the money into your account, which you can then transfer to your Paypal account, or to a checking account if you prefer.