How To Buy And Sell Websites

There are many different ways to accomplish the same thing online and when it comes to creating and building websites you may decide to take a different route altogether. If you don’t want to spend your time creating and building your own websites and adding lots of content, then you can take a shortcut.

This post will show you the best place to go online to find out how to buy and sell websites, whether you are after a slightly sad site with the potential to improve, or an established fully functioning business that will get you earning from day one.

Why Buy A Website?

It is easier than ever these days to create and build a website, but although you can have a site up and running in minutes, it does take some time to build your new site out and gain some search engine love, plus you will not get traffic from day one, unless you are buying it of course. It is a process that requires a little patience as well as some work.

What if you could just go buy a website that was already up and running, had content on it, had rankings in the search engines and was getting traffic. It would save a lot of time, but it will come at a price, not necessarily a fortune, but it will cost, no one gives a website away  for free.

If you can take a little time to search the sites available and do a little digging into those ones you like, it is possible to get yourself a bargain and a business with a lot of earning potential. The upside to this is that you can start earning straight away and build your business from there, scaling and improving as you go.

So where is this online resource?

The Entrepreneurs Marketplace

If you have not heard of it before, then the place to go is Flippa, there are other companies that do the same, but in my opinion Flippa is the best. Their listings are clear and most contain a lot of information, which gives you a good idea of your interest without having to contact anyone straight away.

You can search for sites by using categories like Entertainment, Food & Drink, Hobbies & Games, Home & Garden and many more, all of which have many sub categories. But if you are not sure what kind of niche you want to go for, then you can search all listings, most active or editors choice, whatever you are looking for you are bound to find it at Flippa.

There are more than a thousand new businesses listed for sale everyday, and every month over two millions dollars worth of businesses are sold. It is a well established and trusted business, and here are a few stats from the site itself….

  • Over 500,000 users have registered to buy or sell
  •  A Bid is placed on a Flippa auction every minute
  • More than 2,500 buyers and sellers are online every minute of the day
  • In the last twelve months 300,000 bids were placed
  • In the last twelve months nearly 23,000 businesses were sold
  • Alexa put Flippa in the top 1,000 sites worldwide

Some pretty impressive stats, and I think you will agree that if you want to buy yourself a ready made, established online business then this is the best place to go, or sell of course.

Why Sell Your Website?

Many online entrepreneurs tend to build more than one website, in fact a lot build many of them, I had around twenty three websites at one point. It is not always feasible to keep them all, you may not be able to give your attention to all of them, or you may just have got bored with some of them. What ever the reason it does not really matter, but instead of just letting a site sit in cyber space collecting dust, or just letting the domain lapse, why not sell it.

If you have created a website, added content to it, then you have spent time on it, and of course it would have cost you some cash along the way, so why not recoup that cash and may be even make a profit. As you can see from the stats above, there are plenty of people on the look out to invest in websites. They may want to carry on expanding your website, or they may just be interested in the domain name and will scrape the content, either way you may as well make some cash.

Even if you are not in the market for buying an established website, you can also buy and sell domain names at Flippa, and a lot of these domains are several years old with a lot of search potential. This can be a great way to find your perfect domain name, and cut down on the time it takes to keep thinking of a .com that is not already taken.

Whether you have a website or domain sitting around, why not sell them on, what you don’t want may be very interesting to someone else.

My Thoughts

It is not a hard thing to search for domain names, but it can be frustrating when everything you think of is taken, so Flippa is a great resource that might just have the domain you are looking for, and although some are way over priced, you can always find a gem with a little patience. The same goes for buying a website, although many are a little budget busting, again you can find some great deals with a little digging.

If you have a website that you no longer want to keep, or a domain that is sitting parked up online, it is well worth selling rather than just letting it lapse. You never know, you may just be sitting on a winner.

You may also be interested to know that you can buy and sell apps too, I know  Go take a look, but be warned you may lose a couple of hours of your life, it can be a little addictive.

I hope you have enjoyed this post on how to buy and sell websites, if you have any questions or experience with this subject, then please do leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts.