How To Embed A Video In WordPress

Sometimes we want to add a video to our posts to add a little more richness to our content, but not everyone knows how to embed a video in WordPress. Whether it is a video we have created ourselves, or just a video we like on Youtube, the process is the same, and it is very easy to do.

It is just a matter of grabbing a few lines of code which is displayed on a tab under the video and pasting it into our post or page on our website. It literally takes a couple of minutes ..

Embed A Video

I will use Youtube as the platform to get my video and embed it here on this post, but it is similar process with other video sharing sites, most have the code located below the video, which can be copied and then pasted into your website.

It is a very easy and straight forward process to grab a video of your choice and place it inside your post or page in WordPress.

If you are wondering if it is okay to embed another persons video into your website, then from my understanding, yes it is okay and does not infringe any copyright laws, although it is your responsibility to do your own research in this matter. Everyone who adds a video to Youtube has the option in their video manager settings of allowing others to embed their videos or not, it is a simple check button, so those that have the embed code under their videos are allowing others to share or place that video elsewhere online.

Enhance Your Content

By placing a video in your post or page you will enhance the content, especially if you are creating a ‘How To’ post, where you are showing your reader how to complete a certain task, just like this post. Although you can use screen shots and text instructions to show a method of doing something, which is perfectly okay and something that I have done in the past and will do again, video is like looking over the shoulder of the person showing you, and for many an easier way to understand the process being explained.

It doesn’t have to be a video that you have made yourself, as I have shown it is easy to grab any video from Youtube that compliments your post content, whether that is a music video or a ‘How To’ video, the process is the same.

It’s a short post which is sometimes the best ones.