This will not be a long post, it is just to inform you, my readers about the new Cookie information I have added to this website. By law I have to comply with the EU Directives if my website can be seen in Europe, which it can, I would imagine all websites can be seen in Europe.
If you would like more information about cookies and how they work, then Google explains in depth how they work and why they are used.
Originally a cookie was a small piece of data sent from a website being viewed to the users browser and stored for further viewing later, which is why when we start to type a previous visited URL into our browser it remembers it after just a few letters. There seems to be more to it than that now, and Wikipedia do a pretty good job of explaining all about Cookies and there current uses, so if you need to know more, then take a look.
Cookie Law Information
As a website owner, I now have to inform you about cookies and although I already explain this in my Privacy Policy, which has a link in the sidebar on the right under Important Pages, I have decided to add a line of information with a link that should show up automatically at the top of the page for any visitor that lands here.
By clicking the Accept button obviously means that you accept this and it should disappear. If you click on the text ‘Read More’ it will take you to the Privacy Policy page which also has a Google URL for opting out of The DART Cookie.
If you have a website, then it may be advisable for you to add this to your site too, that way you know you are complying with the current Cookie Laws. This is as easy as adding a plug-in to your site, and then customizing the settings to how you want them set up.
The Plugin I use is called ‘Cookie Law Info’ by Richard Ashby, just pop this into the search on your plugin page and it will show up, then you can install it and set it up how you want it.
Also for those of you with websites, bear in mind that although your actual site may not use cookies, others (Third Party Cookies) that you are connected to might, as well as plugins that you have installed on your site, this means that you have to comply with the Cookie laws. Like I said it is easy to have a privacy page as well as a Cookie notice, so there is no reason not to have these on your site.
That is all there is, I said it would be a short post, just enough to inform my readers that there are cookies about, and for those of you that have sites that it is time to get a Cookie notice up.