What Products To Sell Online – 6 Rules

When it comes to choosing what products to sell online it can be hard to pick the right ones, but it doesn’t have to be, and as long as you follow a few simple rules, then you will always pick the right products that will get you the results, and at the same time serve your customers with value.

I always like to promote only products that I will know be of benefit to my readers and subscribers, bring them value and help them learn and grow. There are 6 rules that I follow to make sure that any product that I want to share is going to benefit the people that I share it with.

The 6 Rules To A Great Product Choice

Being an affiliate marketer can be very lucrative, but it is not good practice to earn your commissions at the expense of your audience, which is …

Products To Sell From Home

Whether it is a physical, a digital, your own or someone else’s, there are always products to sell from home and the easiest way to achieve this is online. I am going to go through some of the many things we can sell online and all from the comfort of our own home.

The Home Based Business Opportunity On The Internet

It’s a long subtitle I know, but it is exactly what is possible for anyone that has an internet connection and a computer, it’s an opportunity for everyone and it can all be done from home. This is how you can bring out the entrepreneur within you, and do it with little risk and little investment on your part. This is how you can increase your earning potential and may be even give up the nine to five, the sky really is the limit, ask Mr Amazon.

Apart …

Create Your Own Passive Income

Is this online thing all about the business of selling? Or is there more to it, and if so what else is there? A business by its very nature has to sell, otherwise there would be no income, and if there is no income, then there is no business. Whether it is information for sale, physical products or a service (for example, issuing loans, as on the PaydayLoansBatonRougeLA.com website), it all boils down to sales.

There are a lot of websites on the world wide web, and a huge chunk of them are businesses that need sales for them to survive, they need the revenue, it is that simple. If you are building an online business, then as a website owner it is your duty to sell if you want to stay a float in the internet ocean and strive as an online business.

But you do need to …

How To Sell Ebooks

A couple of years ago I wanted to know how to sell ebooks and it took me a while to find out the best places to sell, so I thought I would write a post that would point you in the right direction of selling your e-books, that is if you have any to sell. There are many platforms online that you can use to sell ebooks, but I am going to share the ones that are working for me, so if this subject is up your street, then read on…

If I share with you all the different places you can use for your ebooks, then this post would be about a mile long, so this is the condensed version with several places that will get you started, and you can always add more later. I will tell you each one I use, how easy or difficult it was …

How To Embed A Video In WordPress

Sometimes we want to add a video to our posts to add a little more richness to our content, but not everyone knows how to embed a video in WordPress. Whether it is a video we have created ourselves, or just a video we like on Youtube, the process is the same, and it is very easy to do.

It is just a matter of grabbing a few lines of code which is displayed on a tab under the video and pasting it into our post or page on our website. It literally takes a couple of minutes ..

Embed A Video

I will use Youtube as the platform to get my video and embed it here on this post, but it is similar process with other video sharing sites, most have the code located below the video, which can be copied and then pasted into your website.…